Friday, June 26, 2009

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Koniec porno w kioskach.

As a small association can win a fight with a great company of the Treasury? By buying its shares. Even two.

Opponents of the display of porn magazines on newsstands this just work out the Movement SA. Now the company has let them in the general meeting of shareholders and allow to vote.

Monday in Warsaw will host the general meeting of shareholders Movement SA. The meeting will not, however, remind boring annual convention. Among those gathered in the hall will be militant representatives of the association with the Movement of Your Case. And quite legally walk to vote.

- As shareholders we have such a right - said the association Raphael Porzeziński Your Case. How is this possible? Just bought a share of the Movement Association. Specifically, two for $ 17 zł. It's enough to be let to the general meeting.

- We ask why the board of state does nothing to protect against contact with the writings of child porn and people who do not wish to. Today, it happens that the newspaper with the ladies stripped jimmy choo flip flops lying next to the cover or magazine Adults are children - says Porzeziński.

Association bought the shares did not work when conventional methods of protest. Traffic Management did not respond, for example, 800 letters of protest sent by the opponents of porn magazines.

Will speak at the general meeting will be successful? There is a chance that it is. If management does not respond to questions or answers evasively, the representative of your affairs to vote against the discharge of the company. Of course, is not enough to cancel the Board, but the message of voting must be sent to Stock Exchange. - And that can move stock prices. We do not want to harm Movement, so I hope that the board will address the allegations, however, and will force the kioskarzach hide those letters from the eyes of children - says Porzeziński.



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