As always in times of strong economic downturn, marketers are falling and expenditure nareklamę. Particularly affected include printed press. So once again the world starts to roll up a discussion as to counteract this phenomenon? Exactly whether the present discussion is to find a way out of this situation?
Press is the last asset in the field, but its only argument is to repeat what is said in the countries of Western Europe and the USA. So what to do that the content produced by newspapers were not available for free on the Internet, and that as soon as possible to start charging for the content, even on their own websites of these newspapers. The following excerpts from the article Legal Newspapers:
" press publishers around the world looking for ideas for revenue growth. One of them is charging more and more content going to the Internet. Rupert Murdoch, (...) which should include daily The Wall Street Journal a few days ago did not leave anyone doubts. People have become accustomed to reading for free News on the web. This must change. To make a charge will be more and more publishers decydowało (...) It might be the announcement of major changes in business strategies of many publishers who have so far counted, instead of the fees for content on the network will earn more on Internet advertising. But this model failed, because even the best - such as the publisher Time - do not derive from this source more than 20 percent. Income (...) Balancing on the brink of bankruptcy Editor of The New York Times once again considering returning to the introduction of charges for some content. He already had this service TimeSelect, in which he was selling access to the journalism, this year earning $ 10 million. But he resigned from it because I found that more money will bring him to the ad. Have not been (...) Increase revenues from paid content easier for specialist publishers to come. Such as running a global publisher and, and in Poland Infor Business or Presspublica (everyone already sell some of the content). Readers are willing to pay for the information specialist, but not for political news. The best example is the American, consumer service with a high trust of readers - is now 3.3 million subscribers, of which about 3 million a year pays for access to the web site in 1926 dollars. In addition, every month, even sell 4 million copies of paper mailings subscribers. Publishers will be going in that direction, trying to model the business: part of the content for free, some - exclusive - for money. (...) The increase in the number of paid content may also accelerate the consistent position of the majority of the largest publishers on the copying of their content through portals and other services. We let Google and Yahoo to steal our material ... Well, not to steal, but to take? - Said at a conference Cable News Rupert Murdoch. In the same vein commented in a recent interview with Der Spiegel Mathias Dopfner, president of the German group Axel Springer, another giant release. I do not think it might be that publishers create content today, at great expense of effort and money, and the sender's Internet and search engines are using them freely, and publish as its own product. The law should protect content in the future to assume that the duplication of professional content would also have to cost you - he added. "
course you can disagree with these propositions or not, but surprising that once again we want to copy what is happening with our neighbors. It is no longer one big, global corporation burned on the Polish market, wanting to copy it without hesitation, the entire business model.
Do publishers in Poland, the only solution is to introduce fees for the content available on their websites? You can see that we do not see what to do, everyone watching the rapid development of Internet and the fact that more and more people are looking for information right there and usually do not want to pay for them. Certainly in the case of highly specialized content, you can count on is that users will willing to pay for it, the problem lies in the fact that the majority of newspapers in Poland wants to reach out to the mass reader.
For example, the Republic has nearly 1 million real users each month visiting their website, while sales of the paper edition is about 200 000 thousand copies per issue (single issue). Wprost is about 230 000 thousand copies sold per week and 420 000 thousand real users per month Internet service.
tendency that can be seen in many months is the ongoing sale of publications paper or its decline, and in most cases, a growing number of users of websites publishers. This shows potencjach these titles to attract readers to the online editions. So if you can try to earn more than those 20% of the advertising and other activities on the Internet? Certainly the sale of off standard ad (odsłonowej) did not. Is it not possible to undertake other actions so as to try to encourage all those who read the content on the Internet and do not buy the paper editions for the issue of money on the Internet? In addition, to maintain those who buy the paper to issue or transfer their activities to the Internet "and earn the same amount?
Press will be happy to cooperate with television journalists such as commenting on current events and issues that were raised on their pages. The same situation occurs in cooperation with radio stations. Why such "cooperation" can not be taken from the Internet?
It sure is a lot of ideas on how to try to cope with falling revenues from sales of paper to spend, and thus the influence of advertising print advertising. On surely there is also no simple recipes and test new solutions is time consuming. There will probably also boilerplate solutions that everyone can use. It seems that every publisher should seek their own path. Only if they have enough time and courage? About this we will see in the near future.
author: Sebastian Swiderski , Senior Key Accont Manager in the Internet business (e-commerce and advertising) over 2 years. Previously, 6.5 years in banking. A graduate in economics.
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