Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Monetizing blogs. So monteraryzacja blogosphere.

half the bloggers in the world already makes good money. But coconuts can beat expert on blogs, where advertisers reach consumers with exceptional precision.

suggestive patch on the blog Media Fun Maciej Budzich sized hole on the logo shop, who last year was the main sponsor of the site. New should appear soon, because the creator of the blog is in talks with candidates. The requirements are not prohibitive: in particular no interference sponsor in the form and content of your blog. For this financial gratification, of course, appropriate to the position of your site in the Polish blogosphere. - I think more people know me as the author of Media Fun than as Maciek Budzich. Sometimes like me called mikrocelebrytami - says the author of the blog.

Blog Budzich read daily by several thousand people, number of visits, therefore, can not compete with large portals. In his subjects, circulating around the media and the Internet, it must be the most read and commented. Therefore, the author of one of the first bloggers in the Polish network decided to combine journalism and business. Last year's contract with gave him 10 thousand. zł, professional video camera , which now recording material for the blog. In addition, include advertising and paid contests.

Average monthly income from all these sources fluctuates around 4 thousand. zł , which gives him a place among the highest-paid Polish bloggers. - Would give to squeeze a bit more, but I'd have abandon the profession of graphic and concentrate on that and I do not want - he notes. - Blogging is my first passion, except in Poland is still not possible to make money as much as in the U.S., Western Europe or even in Asia.

disparities are enormous. According to a report from Technorati autumn last year, the state of the global blogosphere average annual income of the host blog advertising - and it is as much as 52 percent. all blogs - varied between 6 thousand. dollars a year. Cream of the blogosphere, the site collects a month more than 100 thousand. readers no longer able to count up to 75 thousand. dollars, and its leaders - not more than 1 percent. World blogosphere - crossed the ceiling of 200 thousand. dollars a year. The absolute record in 2008 earned on the blog until 350 thousand. dollars.

Interestingly, the statistics yield dominated blogs Europe with an average annual income equivalent to more than 9 thousand. dollars. After them followed by sites in Asia (an average of 7.4 thousand. Dollars) and only at the end of the U.S. (an average of 5 thousand. Dollars). On the financial crisis has weighed the local blogosphere, but above all his has done much more than in other parts of the world of blogs concentration of a potential carrier of advertising, which is strictly speaking - increased competition.

If the page blogger is deemed worthy of advertising, usually is used for marketing purposes in any way possible. A third of the world blog advertising is hosting at least three of their form - according to statistics Technorati. Most are ads related to search engine Google (38 per cent.) Baneryi displays at the blog (28 percent)., And paid links to other sites, such as producers of products reported (20 percent).. Sponsorship blogging is a very rare . Some bloggers with journalistic activity in the network is responsible for this can come to a position of experts in the areas described, which gives them additional income from public appearances or training. That reputation has, however, only five out of a hundred bloggers.



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