Monday, May 23, 2011

Father's 50th Birthday Invitations Wording

Glen Ivy

Yesterday I was at the complex of swimming pools and water geothermal Glen Ivy, the Los Angeles area. Fog was just - or are typical for Los Angeles smog morning - so I went into without a great queue. Yes, normally, there are two-hour queue to pay $ 52 for admission! ;)

Sa sulphurous water here, there are different pools with different water sources cieplutkich, is red clay and a special tip. Beautiful place, but I must admit, being in it was rather doubtful pleasure. And it is because of wszechotaczajacych, quite thick, and thus little more attractive to the eye - but, thanks to the size, extremely conspicuous - Americans. I have never in my life I have not seen in one place, and so were undressed, so many horrible Grubasow ...

was curious grotto, where the assistant painted us some great brushes super moisturizing cream and then be guided to the sauna, where your only task was to wklepywanie and massaged the cream in each other - at least 10 minutes. I have to admit that the massaging its body by a good 10 minutes to maintain a fairly narcysystyczne ... But since sermons .... ;)

But I liked the red clay. It was necessary to dampen the body, then put thick layers of red clay. Slow clay from drying on the skin, creating a landscape straight from the Grand Canyon - cracked layer, different shades of red ... Completely dry, the clay was opalinizny appetizing color, but dries it looked like some leper, with dark spots, others bright. Then they dry the clay had to be vigorously wipe the skin - scatter into dust, and after thorough washing residues, appearing magically outright mieciutka leather ... As the rear part of the infant.

Only - Those watching the horribly fat woman with rollers in a variety of cellulite, far in advance I do not suspect the attacks cellulite places - I was wondering what it will give them. Instead of red clay massages, a bike or maybe just eat less food? ;)


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